I've already been working on a few exciting hats for Spring events... My favourite projects so far include making a pillbox hat for someone going to a garden party at Buckingham Palace and a bridal peacock feather Coquette with a birdcage veil. But I've also made another Coquette pillbox for an MBE investiture!
My little round hat seems to attract a lot of attention this new season. I must say it has a lot going for it: it's extremely light and comfortable to wear, and it can be made from almost any fabric so I can very easily match it to your outfit. Whether I'm covering it with my handmade flowers or just a simple bow, it's the perfect hat for any occasion. I simply love making each and every one totally unique for my lovely customers.
Please visit the Pillbox section to see what's available to order. Or do get in touch to request your custom version of the Coquette.